sRocks Ranch at Hwy. 101
(Aromas, CA)
Rocks Ranch on Highway 101.
One of 4 sites that may be rezoned
to allow commercial development.
Sustainable Development in Rural San Benito County (California)
Grassroots Effort
What started with an effort to protect the scenic and historic Hwy 101 corridor has now grown into an effort to protect all of San Benito County from sprawl development. In a little more than a year, volunteers with Preserve Our Rural Communities have launched the following:
Referendum to stop Hwy 101 development (NO on Measure K)
County Initiative to protect agricultural and rural lands
Hollister Urban Growth Boundary & Democracy Initiative to slow sprawl development around Hollister
Lawsuit re: C-1 rezone of Betabel by County Supervisors

Forum with retired Congressman Sam Farr & others at VFW Hall in SJB to discuss what sustainable economic development looks like for San Benito County (Feb. 2020)
We're inspired by grassroots groups in Napa, Sonoma and Ventura counties. They launched citizens' initiatives in the 1990s to protect their agricultural and rural lands from sprawl development by putting decisions about growth in the hands of voters. You can read about their pioneer initiatives here.
If you'd like our County to follow in the footsteps of Napa, Sonoma and Ventura counties, please support the San Benito County and Hollister Initiatives by signing the virtual petition here.
An overview of our two local Initiatives is here. Read the complete San Benito County initiative here and the Hollister initiative here.