NO on Measure K (March 3, 2020 Ballot)
NO on Measure K successfully overturned the Supervisors' Ordinance 991 (which created the C-3 zone). You can read Ordinance 991 here.
View the Voter's Pamphlet information about Measure K (published by the County Elections Office) by clicking here.
The ballot arguments against Measure K are shown below.
Argument Against Measure K
They’ll Pave Paradise and Put Up a Parking Lot
Our Supervisors have given in to the pressure of developers yet again. They’re letting them build on the last scenic corridor of Highway 101 south of Silicon Valley. The new zoning (C-3) allows 4 hotels, 4 strip malls and 120 residential units on 300 acres of agricultural and rural lands. Residents are fighting this urban sprawl. They don’t want to be an extension of San Jose.
Economic Benefits are Overblown
The Supervisors didn’t do an economic analysis of the proposed Highway 101 projects. Yet they claim, without evidence, that revenue from this development will solve all the County’s problems. It’s doubtful that 4 hotels in a rural area can be economically viable. And retail businesses are declining rapidly in this age of Amazon.
Say “NO” to Traffic and Unsustainable Growth
The Supervisors should not allow this Highway 101 development when our infrastructure (especially roads and water) is so inadequate. This development will add to the already terrible traffic on Highways 101 and 156. Where will the water for these new hotels, strip malls and residences come from? Many local wells have gone dry and our aquifers are in "critical overdraft".
Protect Our Agriculture, Environment & Cultural Heritage
Let’s protect this 7 miles of scenic Highway 101 from urban sprawl. This beautiful area of ranches, farms and oak covered hills is an important wildlife corridor. It includes the San Benito and Pajaro Rivers and the headwaters of the Elkhorn Slough. It also includes Native American sacred sites (Juristac and Irek).
Let the Voters Decide
California’s Constitution gives voters the power to stop this irresponsible development on Highway 101.
VOTE NO on MEASURE K… Protect Our Community, Not Developers’ Profits.
s/ Sam Farr
Congressman, retired
s/ Dr. Laura Solorio
Physician, retired
s/ Rolan Resendiz
Hollister City Council Member
s/ Amah Mutsun Tribal Band
Valentin Lopez, Chairman
s/ Natasha Wist
Owner, Las Hermanas Organic Farm
Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Measure K
Supervisors claim that changing 4 locations (“nodes”) along Highway 101 to a C-3 zone (to allow 4 hotels, 4 strip malls and 120 residential units) will generate lots of tax revenue and magically give us better roads and services.
Runaway growth won’t solve all our problems. Here are the facts:
Urban Sprawl is Expensive
· Studies show that communities with runaway growth spend more on infrastructure and services than communities that keep growth near urban centers.
· Sheriff and fire services will need to be expanded to cover 4 rural, high fire risk locations.
Local Businesses Will Suffer
· New hotels, restaurants, stores and gas stations along Highway 101 will hurt existing businesses in City of San Juan Bautista and Aromas.
· In Gilroy, the malls built along Highway 101 killed many of their downtown businesses.
Future of Retail & Hotels is Uncertain
· Putting 4 hotels and 4 strip malls in a remote, rural area is financially risky.
· Many retail businesses along Highway 101 (in Gilroy and Prunedale) have closed. Online shopping is hurting brick-and-mortar stores.
· Hotels in City of San Juan Bautista are struggling. Adding 4 more hotels nearby doesn’t make sense.
More Traffic & Crime
· Building 4 hotels, 4 strip malls and 120 residential units will increase traffic and accidents on Highways 101 and 156.
· These new developments will also bring more crime to our rural area.
· Developing two nodes near Anzar High School exposes our students to more risks.
VOTE NO on MEASURE K… Protect Our Community, Not Developers’ Profits.
s/ David A. Huboi
Architect and Owner
Hollister Planning Commissioner
s/ Lois Long
Lois’s Unique Home Furnishings (San Juan Bautista)
s/ Jeff C. Hardy
Owner, Aromas Feed & Ranch Supplies
s/ Phil Esparza
Exec Producer, El Teatro Campesino
s/ Kollin Kosmicki
Journalist and
District 2 Supervisor Candidate